PlayPosit Interactive Video Tool for Canvas



PlayPosit is an interactive video platform designed for educational purposes. It enables educators to create and share interactive video content to engage students in active learning such as embedded questions, discussions, and other interactive elements.


PlayPosit can be used as a linked external tool or independently.  Instructors can choose to have the students responses to questions and/or completing a video recorded to Canvas' gradebook.

Key features of PlayPosit may include:

  1. Interactive Video Authoring: Instructors can add various interactive elements like multiple-choice questions, discussions, annotations, and quizzes directly into videos.

  2. Analytics: PlayPosit provides analytics and tracking tools that allow instructors to monitor student progress and engagement with the interactive video content.

  3. Seamless Integration: Students do not need to be trained how to use PlayPosit.  They just click the play button and answer provided questions on the video.

  4. Student Engagement: An interactive video is three times as effective as a standard video. PlayPosit aims to increase student engagement by turning passive video-watching into an active learning experience. Interactive elements encourage students to think critically, apply concepts, and pay closer attention to what is being shown.

  5. Accessibility: PlayPosit may offer features to make interactive videos accessible to a diverse range of learners, including options for closed captioning and other accessibility tools.

  6. Content Library: PlayPosit offers a library of pre-existing interactive content that instructors can use or customize for their specific needs.

How to Use

With PlayPosit, Instructors Can:

  • Create interactive videos
  • Increase student engagement
  • Review analytics of video interactions

Guides and Tutorials

PlayPosit offers a wide range of webinars, an academy, and office hours to help you get started.


PlayPosit Knowledge Base


Tool Functionality

Can be used with Canvas assignments with results being recorded to the gradebook. 
It can be used in Canvas pages, discussion, and exams, but not recorded to the gradebook. 
PlayPosit may also be used directly from PlayPosit's website.
It is also possible to create a playlist of videos for students to view.


PlayPosit is accessibleNote: PlayPosit's recommended screen reader is NVDA. JAWS and Mac VoiceOver are also supported but with some restrictions. 

Technical Information

Internet connection (suggests Chrome V80 or later), iPad and Android tablet along with iPhone and Android phone compatible.

Usage and Account Set Up

PlayPosit is already installed in Canvas.  When you create an assignment that uses PlayPosit's external tool (API) a free PlayPosit account will automatically be created for you.